
Understanding Trademark Classes: Optimizing Your Registration for Success

When it comes to protecting your brand, understanding trademark classes and how they work is crucial. A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. To successfully register a trademark, you …

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Estate Planning: A Gift of Peace and Power for Every Mother

Moms spend their days and nights thinking about how to make sure their children are happy, healthy, and safe. If you’re a mom, you know. If you aren’t a mom, you were born because of a mom. It’s one of the two things we all have in common.

So, as Mother’s Day app…

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April Fools! How DIY Wills and Trusts Offer a False Sense of Security … and May Leave Your Family With an Expensive Mess

If you’ve been traveling around the sun for a while, you’ve no doubt heard of a Will, a document that says what happens to your money and belongings after you die. You may even have a Will, or know you should get one. And maybe you’ve heard of a Trust and wondered…

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Protecting Your Family's Safety Net: How to Set Up Your Life Insurance Policy The Right Way

A comprehensive Life & Legacy Plan is about creating a strategy that lets you enjoy your life to the fullest while protecting your loved ones' future when you can no longer be there. It might seem like life insurance is an easy way to help secure your loved ones’ …

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Own a Business? Do This By December 31st to Get a Year-Long Extension To The Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Deadline

Business ownership is a fulfilling and exciting endeavor, but it also comes with rules, responsibilities, and reporting requirements that can be hard to track. If you own a small business or have a Trust that owns a business interest, you’ll need to comply with th…

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Capturing the Stories of Aging Loved Ones: The Power of a Family Wealth Legacy Interview

May is Senior Citizen’s Month, a time to reflect and appreciate all the things the seniors in our lives have done for us. Whether they are our parents, grandparents, or elderly friends, our seniors have given us so much over the years. But sometimes seeing your lo…

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Have a Trust? How the Corporate Transparency Act Affects You

Get ready for an interesting twist in the world of legal and business news. You may already be familiar with the upcoming Corporate Transparency Act, set to kick in next year. If you aren’t, it’s time to get in the know because it could impact you, and if it does,…

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Vacation Ready: Essential Legal Preparations for a Worry-Free Getaway

Vacations are a time to relax, unwind, and create beautiful memories with your loved ones. But before you set off on your adventure, it's essential to ensure that your legal affairs are in order so you can fully relax during your travels.

Can’t imagine doing one m…

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Create a Stronger Blended Family Through Estate Planning

Blended families were once considered “non-traditional” families, but today, blended families are becoming just as common as non-blended families. Currently, 52% of married couples (or unmarried couples who live together) have a step-kin relationship of some kind,…

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Estate Planning Pitfalls - 3 Mistakes That Could Make Your Estate Plan Worthless

Including a Trust as part of your estate plan is a smart decision. It allows you to avoid probate, maintain privacy, and distribute your assets to your loved ones while also providing them with a lifetime of asset protection, if you choose it for them. But, here’s…

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Awakened Planning: How to Talk About Estate Planning at Your Family Reunion

July is National Family Reunion Month and the perfect time to reconnect with family from near and far, share life’s updates, and reminisce about the wonderful memories you share together. If you’re getting together with family this month, it’s also a perfect time …

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Understanding the Different Types of Contracts for Your Business Needs

Posted on July 12th, 2023

Contracts play a pivotal role in the success of any business, regardless of its size or industry. As a small business owner or startup entrepreneur, understanding the different types of contracts and selecting the right one for your spec…

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Key Considerations for Choosing a Business Entity for Your Venture

Posted on July 11th, 2023

Starting a new venture can be an exciting but challenging endeavor. One of the crucial decisions you need to make is choosing the right business entity that aligns with your goals and protects your interests. The business entity you sele…

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You Have a Registered Federal Trademark. Now What?

Posted on July 9th, 2023

Congratulations! You've successfully registered your federal trademark, which is an essential step towards protecting your brand's identity and reputation. Obtaining a registered trademark provides you with numerous legal rights and benef…

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What Is Estate Planning? A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Your Legacy

Posted on July 3rd, 2023

Estate planning is a critical process that enables individuals to organize their affairs, protect their assets, and ensure their wishes are carried out after their passing. While many people associate estate planning with the wealthy, it …

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Top Legal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

1. Choosing the Wrong Business Entity

So you've decided to start your own business, congratulations! What's the next step, though? Before you get too far along, you should select the right business entity and ensure that it is properly set up. There are various bu…

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Reach out to Soroya Garner Law for personalized legal guidance and support. Complete our inquiry form to discuss your business, trademark, and legacy needs with our experienced team.
